Monday, October 22, 2007

Chapples? Nope! Crabapples and Apples growing together.

Here's something I've never seen before. I was out walking the dog yesterday and something about a certain tree caught my attention. I moved in for a closer look and then broke out the camera. This tree appears to be growing both apples and cherries. Or something. Definitely apples, but I have to admit I have no idea what the smaller fruits are.

a chapple(?!) tree?

They're definitely both growing on the same tree, though.

chapple(?!) tree - a closer look

Anyone else ever seen anything like this? It's probably some sort of grafted hybrid, but I always thought that both types of rootstock had to be from the same tree. Or that the fruit itself would be a combination of the two fruits, like a pluot - not that the same tree would grow two different fruits altogether.

Ahhhhh, now this is much more logical. After doing some research and getting a couple of better pictures, I know the smaller of the two types of fruit growing on this tree are crabapples. Below are thumbnails to a shot of same tree with some blue sky behind it, and one of the trunk that shows both types of trees clearly have their own bark characteristics.

hybrid apple tree hybrid apple tree trunk

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